What drives me to code?

I was first introduced to programming in college with Visual Basic. I built a few simple programs and I came to love the idea that I could create anything I wanted with enough time and resources. This mentality remains true to this day. My passion for learning and improvement keeps me focused on the modern technology that companies are using today so I can develop software that improves people's lives.

I've seen firsthand just how much the right technology can benefit people every day between my work and pursuing my own hobbies. I now focus my time on creating those products and improving the world one line of code at a time.

My work

Here are a few of my latest projects.


A fullstack web application to record and track headaches that helps people better understand their pain and reduce attacks.

Tech stack: Node.js and Express backend, MongoDB with Mongoose schemas. EJS frontend with Tailwind utility classes + DaisyUI plugins.

Wanderlust Hair Salon

A fully responsive, beautiful, and modern website for a trendy full-service salon.

Umamichi Japanese Cuisine

A hip restaurant website that showcases unique dishes with an image carousel.

Level Up MMA

A clean and simple website for a youth-focused mixed martial arts gym.

My tech skills

I enjoy keeping up with current and upcoming industry tools, frameworks, and trends. I'm most comfortable with the MERN JavaScript stack but I'm always happy to add a new tool to my toolbox!

  • Frontend - HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, Tailwind, DaisyUI
  • Backend - Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose
  • Everything else - Git / GitHub, Agile methodology, SCRUM (CSM), remote first team experience

I'm based in Owensboro, KY working on a remote team

When I'm not coding, I can be found gaming, playing drums, out enjoying nature, or spending much needed quality time with my pets.

I push code frequently, feel free to connect with me on GitHub!